The Development Process of Our Tool

The blog page holds our blog post that records the process we took to brainstorm the tool all the way to developing it and so forth. Here, you will find us dealing with issues such as privacy, coding, statistical representation, and design decisions.


Statistics and Finalizing the Final Output

Our Statistical Analysis of Registration Data

As we promised in the last blog entry, we developed a thorough statistical analysis of the course registration data heavily based upon visual representations. Our statistical analysis included topics such as spider-web based histograms, mean, standard deviation, and p-values.

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Obtaining Data and Cleaning it

What we want to do:

For the final project of Data Science 2016, we want to take course registration of previous years at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering and develop a tool based upon statistical analysis of the data set. This tool will help students determine how their peers in the past have structured their college academic program, and will help guide them when they are unsure which path to take. Below we note important happenings of the first phase of this project, and the lessons we have learned.

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