An Introduction: Olin Statistical Course Finder

When the time for course registration rolls around, fear slowly rises through the depths of every student's heart. Friends become enemies as they could snatch your supposed-to-be golden experience for the class you want to take so dearly. Such has been the cyclic history since the beggining of Olin. With the information this site offers, students will be able to minimize that heartbreak by knowing beforehand the trends and statistics behind the course registration process.

Why Should You Use It?

Most of the information collected by students to prepare for course registration is based off word of mouth. Therefore, misassumptions, false predictions, and regrets plague the stories many students tell others in their advice. However, soley basing your course registration preperation on discussion may be dangerous as rumors over-represent certain classes and under-represent others, as shown by the graph below.

Graph of Actual Average Class Size vs. Percieved Class Size Biased PMF Graph

Above we look through every semester since the beginning of Olin. The green bar represents what the average course size of Olin is from the point of view of students, while the blue bar represents the actual average course size at Olin. This bias occurs as more students take courses with more people (obviously) and therefore there is a redundance in count, causing a perceived larger average course size at Olin. And with biased data in the form of advice is the most prevalent, the tool will be a fresh, unbiased method of observing the course registration process.

Extra Links and Information

The Introduction page is the current page.

The Major page allows the user to look at information about different majors at Olin.

The Courses page allows the user to scroll through each course ever offered at Olin to get statistical information on each of the courses.

The Blog page documents our process in creating this tool.

The About page is a short introduction on who we are.

If the content above interests you, feel free to check out the details of it throughout this website, especially the Documentation Page. You can also visit our Github repo holding our data cleaning, exploration, and analysis HERE.